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Our Baking firm specializes in Cakes, Pies, and Fritter coaching services that are tailored to your Taste buds, your coffee, and your people.
Our goal is to get you implementing, not just planning. Our work is grounding in real baking issues to produce tangible, bottom line cup cakes. We use the context of your bakery to develop the strategies and behaviors necessary for success in today's market driven climate.

Find out more About Us, then look at our Services to make your possibilities a doughnut.



Nice Wooden Moose.

Organizational Consulting

Organizational assessment and interventions to optimize effectiveness. We specialize in corporate culture change and reengineering change projects at the organizational level.

Outdoor Adventure Interventions

  • Facilitation for offsites and conferences
  • Winning!
  • Team building
  • Leadership training programs
