When figuring your water remember your system can vary from others.
Use the 1.4 quarts water per pound of grain. This will be your mash and sparge water amount. Absorption: Absorption of water in the grain is near .3 for a recipe with up to 20 % adjuncts. (Roast, toasted, rye, wheat) and .35 for all base malt recipe with less than 5 % adjuncts. (mostly 2 row pale malt) Example: 10 Lb's Grain with 20% adjuncts x 1.4 = 14 quarts water, divide by 4 quarts per gallon = 3.5 gallons mash water. 3.5 gallons of wort in the mash tun will yield 2.45 gallons after absorption from the grains. OR 3.5 x .3 = 1.05 ( 3.5 gal. minus 1.05= 2.45gal.) 2.45 gal. wort plus 3.5 gallon sparge water = 5.95 gallons Evaporation: If you loose ONE gallon in the boil from evaporation. = 4.95 gallons. Knowing this you can do one of two things, Add 16 ounces of water to the Sparge or boil. OR If you add a 16 ounce yeast starter (2 cups), you now have 5 gallons and 12 ounces. After secondary, you end up with approximately 5 gallons. |