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Conversions: Some formulas are approximate. Simply round up or down.

Dry Malt to Liquid Malt: Dry x 25%+= Liquid

Example: 3 (LB. Dry Malt) x .25 =.75+=3.75 pounds Liquid Malt

Liquid Malt to Dry Malt: Liquid x 20% minus= Dry

Example: 6.6 (Lb. Liquid Malt ) x 20% =1.32 minus=5.28 ( Lb.Dry Malt)

Grain to Liquid Extract: Grain x .75= Liquid

10 Lb. (2 row malt) x .75 = 7.5 Lb. Liquid Malt Extract

Specialty Grain to Extract:

                         2 Lb. (Roasted & Chocolate Barley) x .89=1.78 ( Lb. Dark Liquid Extract)